Though some may ignore it, everyone has a natural impulse to better themselves in the many aspects of life. At Rise Above Wellness, we want to offer you the tools to achieve just that. Our facility is a niche private gym with limited members who are serious about taking their health to the next level. We are not a cookie cutter big box gym. Every single member will be known by name, and do not be surprised if we contact you if you’ve been slacking. We’re your accountability partner, trainer, friend, and staff all in one.


There is just something about fitness that resonates in every single person. Resilience, self-discipline, mental health, self-betterment, consistency, and a healthy regiment. Not many other things in life can give you all these characteristics in one. Because of this draw I’ve indulged in fitness since I was 13 years old. I have dedicated the last 20 years to gaining hands-on experience while achieving my bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and obtaining the gold standard of personal trainer certifications through American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). I have a background in physical therapy through multiple internships and hand-on encounters with my clients. I use this knowledge to perfect my clients training form during exercise to maximize the effectiveness of each movement, reinforce injury prevention, and rehabilitate any prior injuries. Through 13 years of playing organized football up untill the collegiate level, I refined my skills in sport specific training through agility, plyometrics, and body mechanics. I have obtained the top golf certification through Titlest Performance Institute (TPI) which allows me to combine golf specific movements through fitness to increase a clients skill set, strength, and flexibility which results in a lower handicap. I have competed in multiple National Physique Competitions (NPC) which further aided me in learning how to maximize one’s physique to the extreme while doing so in the shortest amount of time through specific training programs and customized diets.


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